Motu Patlu
Motu Patlu is an Indian animated sitcom television series currently airing on Nickelodeon. The series is produced by Cosmos-Maya.It is adapted from the classic comic strip on Lotpot. It was premiered on 16 October 2012, beginning with episode "Jon Banega Don". It focuses on two friends, Motu and Patlu, living in the fictional city Furfuri Nagar. The director is Suhas Kadav and the theme music composer is Sandesh Shandilya. The producers are Deepa Sahi and Anish JS Mehta. The theme song " Motu Patlu Ki Jodi" is sung by Sukhwinder Singh.It is one of the most popular kids shows in India. It received mostly positive reviews, with praise for vocal performance, animation, entertainment value, but criticized direction & runtime. The story revolves around Motu and Patlu, two friends living in Furfuri Nagar.The show focuses on how the two have a penchant to land themselves in comical situations, later rescuing themselves only by sheer luck. Samosas are Motu...